Born in
Hungary but later becoming a British citizen, Paul
Vincze was one of the most original,
influential and artisitic sculptor-medallists of
the 20th Century, winning commissions to design
commemmorative medallions and coinage for use the World
over. Among his many notable subjects were Presidents
Truman and Kennedy, Pope Paul Vl and Sir Winston
Churchill, and in 1953 he was requested to design one
of the official medals for the Coronation of Queen
Elizabeth ll, Her Majesty sitting for him during
several sessions.
During the course of his long and fascinating
lifetime, many more historic events and famous
characters were to be celebrated in medal form,
including the successful Apollo ll landing on the moon
in 1969, and the anniversaries of the births of William
Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Beethoven and Haydn.
In 1991 we were both honoured and delighted when he
offered us the dies for his Signs of the Zodiac,
Madonna, Saint Christopher and other medallions, which
he had started to manufacture in the 1950's. We
continue to produce these beautiful medallions,
most of which bear Paul Vincze's signature,
and are entirely faithful to his original
style. Struck in various sizes as gold charms,
pendants, or key chains, with selected lines also
available in silver with an oxidised finish, the
designs are classic and timeless in their